Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Dr. Ethos, The Chief Resident Of A Hospital - 1591 Words
Dr. Ethos, the chief resident of a hospital is faced with a dilemma. He needs to figure out what to do in the following scenario. A mean, cranky old man walks into the hospital. The old man is complaining about a painful toothache and through his relentless complaining, he is seen by Dr. Ethos. In the middle of the old man’s examination, the doctor is immediately paged to different room. In that room, there are ten young men and woman, between the ages of 15 and 35; they desperately need different organs to be able to survive. These ten patients specifically come to see Dr. Ethos because he is the best organ transplant surgeon in the planet and the immediately need transplants, or the will die. Dr. Ethos is aware that the old man is a perfect match to be the organ donor for the ten patients. Using the old man’s organs could save them. Likewise, given the crowded state of the hospital, the fact that he was already about operate on the old man, as well as the good Doctorà ¢â‚¬â„¢s status as the prime transplant surgeon, Dr. Ethos knows that the procedure could go off without a problem. However, the cranky old man would have to die, or rather be killed, in order to successfully treat all the patients. The question is, what would Dr. Ethos do, if he were Utilitarian (Act vs. Rule)? What would Dr. Ethos do, if he were a Deontologist (Kantian)? Utilitarianism John S. Mill describes Utilitarianism, also known as â€Å"The greatest happiness principle†, as a philosophical theory of morality.Show MoreRelatedSpatial Distribution of the Primary Health Care Facilities in Enugu State, Nigeria13204 Words  | 53 Pagesproviding grass root health care services whereas in some quarters such services have been marred by inefficiency (Adeyemo, 2005). This is evidenced in the number of ailing hospitals across the country. 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